I have this code
Only as example to show the intention of resending some info (retry)
static char server_req [] = "INIT_PREVIEW";
static void
halt_task ( void )
while ( true )
tst_task ( Tst_struct * tst_p )
struct udp_pcb * my_udp = NULL;
struct pbuf * p = NULL;
ip4_addr_t server_ip;
// Wait 3 seconds for everything to start
vTaskDelay ( pdMS_TO_TICKS ( 3000 ) );
// Creates udp
if ( (my_udp = udp_new ()) == NULL )
halt_task ();
udp_bind ( my_udp, IP_ADDR_ANY, 10000 );
if ( (p = pbuf_alloc ( PBUF_TRANSPORT, sizeof ( server_req ), PBUF_RAM )) == NULL )
halt_task ();
inet_aton ( "", & server_ip );
memcpy ( p->payload, server_req, sizeof ( server_req ) );
for ( int tries = 1 ; tries <= 3 ; tries ++ ) {
udp_sendto ( my_udp, p, & server_ip, 10000 );
vTaskDelay ( pdMS_TO_TICKS ( 500 ) );
halt_task ();
here is wireshark output
as it can be seen:
any idea?
thanks in advance
I know that in your case you're using lwIP
library, but more in general it is quite easy to "resend" a UDP packet (and that should apply to lwIP
void test(void) {
int sockfd = init_socket_somehow();
// example loop that resends packets the same way they are received:
while (1) {
struct sockaddr sender; // this will store info about the sender
socklen_t sender_size; // this will store sender address' size
uint8_t buff[500]; // this will store the UDP packet contents
size_t buff_size; // this will store buff's size
ssize_t bytes = recvfrom(sockfd, buff, 500, 0, &sender, &sender_size);
if (bytes > 0) {
buff_size = (size_t) bytes;
// we have received some data via UDP, now we will resend the same data back to the sender
sendto(sockfd, buff, buff_size, 0, &sender, sender_size);
NOTE: take this snippet more like pseudocode (it just shows the logic; no error checks are made); you can adapt it in order to use it in your program.
The previous snippet resends received packets, which is not what you asked, so this following snippet can be used to resend the same packet more than once:
// send packet "packet" three times
uint8_t packet[100]; // fill the packet with some content to send
struct sockaddr dest = ...; // get the destination address and port somehow
socklen_t dest_size = ...; // and also the destination address' size
for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; i += 1) {
sendto(sockfd, packet, 100, 0, &dest, dest_size);
I've looked around on the Internet and, as you already noted in your answer, the lwIP
library behaves quite strangely in some cases.
But I also found out that lwIP
supports a BSD socket interface (i.e.: the same functions that I used in my code snippets and that are widely used on Linux and other OSes: socket()
, bind()
, recvfrom()
, sendto()
, etc.), so my suggestion is to use the BSD socket functions when using the lwIP
library in order to have a (hopefully) more predictable behavior.
This link should help you using BSD socket API with lwIP