Can I retrieve all the coordinates as LatLng
that is stored in Firestore from different documents and use the coordinates to build a route using the Polyline in GoogleMap API. Or do I need to save it in Array in Firestore to be able to do so? I am making a route from 3 to 4 coordinates in the Firestore is it possible or is it just 2 coordinates is the max in making the Polyline as the destination and starting point. Thank you in advance. Any documentation is appreciated as well.
Can I retrieve all the coordinates as LatLng that is stored in Firestore from different documents and use the coordinates to build a route using the Polyline in GoogleMap API.
As I see in your screenshot, the location field in your database is of type GeoPoint. So you need to create a query, loop through the results, create a new LatLng object of each location, and add all of them to the polyline.
Or do I need to save it in Array in Firestore to be able to do so.
That's nothing mandatory. Save them to an array only if those are your requirements.
I am making a route from 3 to 4 coordinates in the Firestore is it possible or is it just 2 coordinates is the max in making the Polyline as the destination and starting point.
You can add as many coordinates as you want into a Polyline.
If you are using only the origin and the destination, the following code will work fine:
PolylinePoints polylinePoints = PolylinePoints();
PolylineResult result = await polylinePoints.getRouteBetweenCoordinates(googleAPiKey,
_originLatitude, _originLongitude, _destLatitude, _destLongitude);
However, if you need more than that, you indeed need a List of points:
List<PointLatLng> result = polylinePoints.decodePolyline("_p~iF~ps|U_ulLnnqC_mqNvxq`@");
More info is below: