I am using the range date picker of antd (v4.x).
<StyledDatePicker inputReadOnly={false} value={dateRange} onChange={onChange} />
In my test file I'm doing the following :
fireEvent.change(rtl.getByPlaceholderText('Start date'), {
target: { value: '2020-01-01' },
fireEvent.change(rtl.getByPlaceholderText('End date'), {
target: { value: '2020-03-03' },
fireEvent.keyPress(rtl.getByPlaceholderText('End date'), { key: 'Enter', code: 13 });
await waitFor(() => fireEvent.click(rtl.getByText('Apply')));
I tried few console logs in between fire events to see if the input actually has the right value, but it's always empty.
I also tried with :
userEvent.type(rtl.getByPlaceHolderText(...), myValue)
It didn't seem to work either. If you guys have any solution to that problem I would be happy to take it.
After few hours.. I figured out a solution.
// Click on the filter icon
fireEvent.click(rtl.container.querySelector('th:nth-child(3) .ant-table-filter-trigger'));
// Mouse down on element, to select input and trigger modal opening
fireEvent.mouseDown(rtl.getByPlaceholderText('Start date'));
// Writing the value of the desired date
fireEvent.change(rtl.getByPlaceholderText('Start date'), {
target: { value: '2020-01-01' },
// If the date format is valid, antd will highligh the written date, so we clicking on that one
If you try to change the value of the input without proceeding like that, it will probably not work, keep in mind that inputs are set to read-only by default, whenever you will try to change a value with just typing it will reset the input.