
Azure API Managment User Assigned Identity Custom Domain KeyVault

I have the following issue:

Steps (Azure portal):

  1. Create Azure APIM (Devloper sku, internal vnet, no system assigned managed identity!)
  2. Create own Managed identity (user managed identity) - UAI
  3. Create KeyVault
  4. UAI: Create Role Assignment for UIA and KeyVault with Reader role and Scope KeyVault
  5. KeyVault: Create KeyVault Access Policy for UAI with "Get", "List" for Secrets and Certs
  6. APIM: Assign UAI to APIM instance (no SystemAssigned Identity!)
  7. KeyVault: Upload a cert to KeyVault for custom domain name
  8. APIM: Try to create custom domain name in APIM, select Cert from KeyVault and then click add

Issue: Portal asks me to grant Get/List to APIM instance. Why ? UAI should have that already! If I click yes on the dialog that asks if I want to grant that policy an error occurs.

enter image description here

SystemAssigned Identity works by the way.

Did I miss something here ?


  • UI does not support that at the moment, but it is possible through API, see "identityClientId" and "keyVaultId" here: