I am calling Facebook Ads APIs. I need permanent Facebook USER access token. I have generated a Long lived User Access token already, but it expires after 60 days. I tried the other articles from Stack overflow, but they all talk about permanent PAGE access token
Can someone tell if it is possible to get Facebook permanent USER access token? If yes, then mention the API that does that task.
There is no way by which we can make the expiry date of normal User Access token permanent In order to do so, we have to create a system user for the app and generate access token for it. Access token for system users is permanent.
A Normal User Access token has expiry of 60 days as shown below.
Whereas a System user access token has no expiry date.
What is a system user?
System users represent servers or software making API calls to assets owned or managed by a Business Manager.
Webpage for reference: Link1
How to add a system user?
Webpage for reference: Link2
This solution worked for me.