I need to get 1, a list of video links of a playlist and 2, list of video names of a playlist. This is what I am doing.
from pytube import YouTube, Playlist
playlist_link = "https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJKfZ_cKGyLdYqdzGLCJPbsi9UGCcEc5e"
video_links = Playlist(playlist_link).video_urls
video_titles = []
for link in video_links:
While this works, getting all the titles takes forever because each link has to be converted to a YouTube object, is there a faster way to do this?
I looked at your code and it takes around 22 seconds to execute.
from time import time
from pytube import YouTube, Playlist
playlist_link = "https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJKfZ_cKGyLdYqdzGLCJPbsi9UGCcEc5e"
video_links = Playlist(playlist_link).video_urls
video_titles = []
start = time()
for link in video_links:
print(f'Time taken: {time() - start}')
# output
Time taken: 21.815414667129517
You can reduce the execution time by adding multithreading. The following code takes about 3 seconds to execute.
from time import time
from pytube import YouTube, Playlist
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed
playlist_link = "https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJKfZ_cKGyLdYqdzGLCJPbsi9UGCcEc5e"
video_links = Playlist(playlist_link).video_urls
start = time()
def get_video_title(link):
title = YouTube(link).title
return title
processes = []
with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=10) as executor:
for url in video_links:
processes.append(executor.submit(get_video_title, url))
video_titles = []
for task in as_completed(processes):
print(f'Time taken: {time() - start}')
# output
Time taken: 2.7463150024414062