I'm trying to insert two queries into my postgres database as follows:
const insertLineItemDB = (request, response) => {
const { wo_num, description, due_date, cost } = request.body
const query1 = 'INSERT INTO workorders (wo_id, due_date, complete) VALUES ($1, $2, 0);';
const query2 = 'INSERT INTO lineitems (wo_num, description, cost) VALUES ($1, $2, $3);';
pool.query(query1, [wo_num, due_date]),
pool.query(query2, [wo_num, description, cost])
]).then(function([query1Results, query2Results]) {
response.status(201).send('Successfully inserted');
My issue is that I am getting the following error: error: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "workorders_pkey"
which crashes my node
web app. How do I handle this error so it just gives a message to the user but doesn't stop the whole application?
You should catch error in the Promise
pool.query(query1, [wo_num, due_date]),
pool.query(query2, [wo_num, description, cost])
]).then(function([query1Results, query2Results]) {
response.status(201).send('Successfully inserted');
}).catch(function (e) {
response.status(500).send('Insert failed');
You can also wrap your Promise in try catch block
try {
pool.query(query1, [wo_num, due_date]),
pool.query(query2, [wo_num, description, cost])
]).then(function([query1Results, query2Results]) {
response.status(201).send('Successfully inserted');
} catch(e) {
response.status(500).send('Insert failed');
Somewhat not what you asked, but you could also ignore duplicate key with
INSERT INTO workorders (wo_id, due_date, complete) VALUES ($1, $2, 0) ON CONFLICT (wo_id) DO NOTHING (https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.5/sql-insert.html#SQL-ON-CONFLICT)