
Getting error BAD.REQUEST 400 when trying fetching [GET] data from a specific route of freelancer API?

I'm working with freelancer API, I want to fetch user data from this endpoint /users/0.1/users/ but I keep getting error:

error_code: "RestExceptionCodes.BAD_REQUEST"
message: "Please provide users[] or usernames[] query"

freelancer-api: List Users

function fetchV2(urlOb, headerOb, paramsOb) {
  Object.keys(paramsOb).forEach(key => urlOb.searchParams.append(key, paramsOb[key]))
  return fetch(urlOb, headerOb)

let header = {
        method: 'GET',
        headers: {
       'freelancer-oauth-v1': *********
let url = new URL(``);
let params = {users:[123456,654321]};
let res = await fetchV2(url, header, params);
let data = await res.json();

I also tried to query with one user_id and but again I get the same error.

I successfully working with other routes (using the same structures) but I don't know what am I missing here! Any idea?


  • To others that may help them, I found out there is no standard method to pass array parameters to URLs, which means that the URLSearchParams API doesn't support parsing arrays or objects. so I built a function to make it manually:

    function test() {
      let url = ''
      let paramsArray = {
        users: [11111111, 22222222, 33333333],
      let arrString = ''
      for (const property in paramsArray) {
        arrString += paramsArray[property].map(item => {
          return `${property}[]=${item}&`
      let paramsNotArray = {
        display_info: true,
        status: true,
      const params = new URLSearchParams(paramsNotArray)
      url = `${url}?${arrString}${params.toString()}`
      return fetch(url)

    here is the article.