
what is the best algorithm for this game?

I want to make a bot for this game:

The game is played with 8 cards, numbered 1 to 8. At the start of the game , these cards are all on the table (desk), faced up. Quoted from the instructions:

The goal of the game is that you reach the sum of 15 with 3 cards in your hand. The first person to reach this goal in a maximum of 30 turns is the winner.

Each time at your turn, you are supposed to take one card from the desk.
When you have 3 cards in your hand, you should swap one of your cards in your hand with a card on the desk.

game rules image

All cards are visible to both players at all times.

What is the best algorithm to win the game?


  • I would suggest creating a minimax algorithm, which is (like @PaulHankin's answer) creating a game tree. The difference is that the states are discovered as moves are played.

    This question grabbed my interest, and so I had some fun in creating an interactive snippet in JavaScript. It shows you which moves are available, and whether they lead to a win, a loss or a draw. In the case of a win or loss, it tells you how many half-moves (plies) you are away from that fate (with optimal play).


    class Node {
        constructor(id) {
   = id;
            this.neighbors = []; // List of Node instances that can be reached with one move
        cardOwner(card) {
            return ( >> (2*card-2)) & 3; // Decode binary representation
        * generateMoves() { // Yield the moves that player 1 can make
            let hands = [[], [], []];
            // Translate id to sets of cards
            for (let card = 1; card <= 8; card++) hands[this.cardOwner(card)].push(card);
            let [desk, myHand, otherHand] = hands;
            if (otherHand.length < 3 || otherHand.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0) !== 15) {
                if (myHand.length < 3) {
                    for (let card of desk) yield this.getTargetId(card);
                } else {
                    for (let discard of myHand) {
                        for (let replace of desk) yield this.getTargetId(discard, replace);
        getTargetId( {
            let id =;
            for (let card of cards) id ^= 1 << (card*2-2);
            // Toggle owner, as in each state we consider player 1 as the player to move
            for (let mask = 3; mask < 0x10000; mask <<= 2) {
                if (id & mask) id ^= mask;
            return id;
        compare(next) {
            let id =;
            let nextId =;
            let diff = { replace: 0, discard: 0 };
            for (let card = 1; card <= 8; card++) {
                if ((id & 3) && !(nextId & 3)) diff.discard = card;
                else if (!(id & 3) && (nextId & 3)) diff.replace = card;
                id >>= 2;
                nextId >>= 2;
            return diff;
    class Game {
        constructor() {
            this.hist = []; // Previous states (after moves have been made)
            this.node = new Node(0); // 0 is the initial state where all 8 cards are on desk
            this.visited = new Map; // Evaluated states; Node instances keyed by their identifier
        move(target) {
            this.node = target;
        undo() {
            this.node = this.hist.pop();
        minimax() {
            if (this.node.value !== undefined) return; // Already visited
            // Generate neighbors for this Node
            this.node.neighbors = Array.from(this.node.generateMoves(), targetId => {
                let target = this.visited.get(targetId); // Get a Node instance
                if (!target) this.visited.set(targetId, target = new Node(targetId));
                return target;
            if (!this.node.neighbors.length) { // Game over!
                this.node.value = 100;
            // Assign temporary value while depth-first search is ongoing.
            // This will ensure that a revisit is considered a draw (repetition of moves)
            this.node.value = 0; // 0 indicates a draw
            let bestValue = -Infinity;
            for (let target of this.node.neighbors) {
                bestValue = Math.max(bestValue, this.node.value);
            // Definite value: reduce its absolute value, so to favour quick wins over slow wins
            this.node.value = bestValue && (Math.abs(bestValue) - 1) * Math.sign(-bestValue);
    let game = new Game;
    game.minimax();  // Create the full game tree rooted at the initial state
    // I/O management
    let state = document.getElementById("state");
    let moves = document.getElementById("moves");
    let undo = document.getElementById("undo");
    let message = document.getElementById("message");
    function display() {
        let turn = game.hist.length % 2;
        let mapper = [1, turn*2, 2 - turn*2];
        for (let card = 1; card <= 8; card++) {
            let owner = game.node.cardOwner(card);
            let ownerRow = state.rows[mapper[owner]];
            for (let row of state.rows) {
                row.cells[card].textContent = row === ownerRow ? card : "";
        state.rows[0].classList.toggle("turn", !turn);
        state.rows[2].classList.toggle("turn", turn);
        message.textContent = game.node.neighbors.length ? `Player ${turn + 1} to play. Make your choice:` : `Player ${2 - turn} won!`;
        undo.disabled = !game.hist.length;
        moves.innerHTML = "";
        for (let target of game.node.neighbors) {
            let { discard, replace } =;
            let button = document.createElement("button");
            button.textContent = `${discard ? `Replace ${discard} with` : "Select"} ${replace} ${
                target.value < 0 ? `(lose in ${101+target.value})` : 
                target.value > 0 ? `(win in ${101-target.value})` : "(draw)"
    moves.addEventListener("click", function (e) {
        let moveIndex = [...moves.children].indexOf(;
        if (moveIndex >= 0) game.move(game.node.neighbors[moveIndex]);
    undo.addEventListener("click", function() {
    td { border: 1px solid; background: yellow; min-width: 1em; text-align: center }
    td:empty, td:first-child { border-color: transparent; background: none }
    tr:nth-child(odd) { background: lightblue } 
    tr.turn { background: orange }
    #moves > * { display: block }
    <table id="state">
            <td>Player 1: </td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td>
            <td>Desk: </td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td>
            <td>Player 2: </td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td>
    <div id="message"></div>
    <button id="undo">Undo last move</button><br>
    <div id="moves"></div>


    The game is a draw when both players play optimally. The first player has a bit of an advantage if we consider that the second player has to be more careful in the first phase of the game not to make a mistake.

    When the first player picks either card 6 or 8, the second player must take card 5 or they will lose (with optimal play). The game tree widens quickly, but there are other states where there is only one good move.

    The number of distinct states that are discovered, including the root state, is 1713. The algorithm does not take the 30-move limit into account, as it is a "boring" rule. The nice thing of not having this limit is that the algorithm needs to be smart enough to detect repetitions. With the 30-move limit, such cycle check does not need to be implemented.


    The same implementation (interacting on console):

    class Node:
        def __init__(self, id):
   = id;
            self.neighbors = []; # List of Node instances that can be reached with one move
            self.value = None
        def cardOwner(self, card):
            return ( >> (2*card-2)) & 3 # Decode binary representation
        def generateMoves(self): # Yield the moves that player 1 can make
            hands = [[], [], []]
            # Translate id to sets of cards
            for card in range(1, 9):
            desk, myHand, otherHand = hands
            if len(otherHand) < 3 or sum(otherHand) != 15:
                if len(myHand) < 3:
                    for card in desk:
                        yield self.getTargetId(card)
                    for discard in myHand:
                        for replace in desk: 
                            yield self.getTargetId(discard, replace)
        def getTargetId(self, *cards):
            id =
            for card in cards:
                id ^= 1 << (card*2-2)
            # Toggle owner, as in each state we consider player 1 as the player to move
            mask = 3
            while mask < 0x10000:
                if id & mask:
                    id ^= mask
                mask <<= 2
            return id
        def compare(self, next):
            id =
            nextId =
            replace = 0
            discard = 0
            for card in range(1, 9):
                if (id & 3) and not (nextId & 3):
                    discard = card
                elif not (id & 3) and (nextId & 3):         
                    replace = card
                id >>= 2;
                nextId >>= 2;
            return discard, replace
    class Game:
        def __init__(self):
            self.hist = []  # Previous states (after moves have been made)
            self.node = Node(0)  # 0 is the initial state where all 8 cards are on desk
            self.visited = {}  # Evaluated states; Node instances keyed by their identifier
        def reset(self):
            if self.hist:
                self.node = self.hist[0]
                self.hist = []
        def move(self, target):
            self.node = target
        def undo(self):
            self.node = self.hist.pop()
        def minimax(self):
            if self.node.value is not None: 
                return  # Already visited
            # Generate neighbors for this Node
            self.node.neighbors = [
                self.visited.setdefault(targetId, Node(targetId)) 
                for targetId in self.node.generateMoves()
            if not self.node.neighbors:  # Game over!
                self.node.value = 100
            # Assign temporary value while depth-first search is ongoing.
            # This will ensure that a revisit is considered a draw (repetition of moves)
            self.node.value = 0  # 0 indicates a draw
            bestValue = -200
            for target in self.node.neighbors:
                bestValue = max(bestValue, self.node.value)
            # Definite value: reduce its absolute value, so to favour quick wins over slow wins
            self.node.value = -(bestValue and bestValue + (-1 if bestValue > 0 else 1))
    game = Game()
    game.minimax()  # Create the full game tree rooted at the initial state
    # I/O management
    from functools import partial
    def display():
        turn = len(game.hist) % 2
        owners = [(card, game.node.cardOwner(card)) for card in range(1, 9)]
        hands = [(1+turn, "Player 1"), (0, "    Desk"), (2-turn, "Player 2")]
        for hand, name in hands:
            print(name, end=": ")
            for card, owner in owners:
                print(card if owner == hand else ".", end=" ")
        if game.node.neighbors:
             print(f"Player {turn + 1} to play. Make your choice:")
            print(f"Player {2 - turn} won!")
        options = {
            "9": game.reset,
            "Q": lambda: None
        if game.hist:
            print("0. Undo")
            options["0"] = game.undo
        for target in game.node.neighbors:
            discard, replace =
            code = str(discard*10+replace)
            options[code] = partial(game.move, target)
            if discard:
                print(f"{code}. Replace {discard} with {replace}", end=" ")
                print(f"{code}. Select {replace}", end=" ")
            if target.value < 0:
                print(f"(lose in {101+target.value})")
            elif target.value > 0:
                print(f"(win in {101-target.value})")
        print("9. New game")
        print("Q. Quit")
        choice = input("Your choice: ").upper()
        while choice not in options:
            print("Not a valid choice.")
            choice = input("Your choice: ").upper()
        return choice != "Q"
    import os
    while display():
        os.system('cls' if == 'nt' else 'clear')