
Interfacing with executable using boost in c++

I am trying to interface a program I'm writing with an existing chess engine (stockfish) in C++. To do this I'm using Boost but am having problems with processes. engine.exe is the executable I'm trying to interface with but it seems to be terminating after the first command of uci. By the time the program reaches the second while loop, sf.running() returns false even though it was never terminated.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <boost/process.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>

using namespace std;

namespace bp = boost::process;

int main()
    boost::filesystem::path sfPath{ R"(engine.exe)" };
    bp::ipstream is;
    bp::opstream os;
    bp::child sf(sfPath, "uci", bp::std_out > is, bp::std_in < os);

    string line;
    getline(is, line);
    cout << line << endl;

    while(sf.running()) {
        getline(is, line);
        cout << line << endl;

    os << "position startpos moves d2d4 g8f6 g1f3\n";

    os << "go\n";

    while (sf.running()) {
        getline(is, line);
        cout << line << endl;


  • From a quick test with stockfish 8 on my machine, supplying a command on the CLI (like your "uci") causes it to get executed and exit.

    Note: in complicated interfaces, it's possible to run into deadlocks with synchronous streams like this (see docs and perhaps How to reproduce deadlock hinted to by Boost process documentation?).

    Simple Test Client

    I tried to make it work in synchronous mode first. For fun, I chose to connect two child processes, one for white and one for black. We can make them play a game:

    int main() {
        MoveList game;
        Engine   white(game), black(game);
        for (int number = 1;; ++number) {
            std::cout << number << ". " << game.back();
            std::cout << ", " << game.back() << std::endl;
            if ("(none)" == game.back())

    Now I have two working implementations:

    Synchronous Implementation

    Though potentially wrought with the possibility of deadlocking on ful-duplex IO as documented (above), the code remains relatively simple:

    using MoveList = std::deque<std::string>;
    struct Engine {
        Engine(MoveList& game) : _game(game) { init(); }
        std::string make_move()
            std::string best, ponder;
            auto bestmove = [&](std::string_view line) { //
                return qi::parse(line.begin(), line.end(),
                        "bestmove " >> +qi::graph >>
                        -(" ponder " >> +qi::graph) >> qi::eoi,
                        best, ponder);
            bool ok = send(_game) //
                && command("go", bestmove);
            if (!ok)
                throw std::runtime_error("Engine communication failed");
            return best;
        void init() {
            bool ok = true                                              //
                && expect([](std::string_view banner) { return true; }) //
                && command("uci", "uciok")                              //
                && send("ucinewgame")                                   //
                && command("isready", "readyok");
            if (!ok)
                throw std::runtime_error("Cannot initialize UCI");
        bool command(std::string_view command, auto response, unsigned max_lines = 999) {
            return send(command) && expect(response, max_lines);
        bool send(std::string_view command) {
            debug_out << "Send: " << std::quoted(command) << std::endl;
            _sink << command << std::endl;
            return _sink.good();
        bool send(MoveList const& moves) {
            debug_out << "Send position (" << moves.size() << " moves)" << std::endl;
            _sink << "position startpos";
            if (!moves.empty()) {
                _sink << " moves";
                for (auto const& mv : moves) {
                    _sink << " " << mv;
            _sink << std::endl;
            return _sink.good();
        bool expect(std::function<bool(std::string_view)> predicate, unsigned max_lines = 999)
            for (std::string line; getline(_source, line); max_lines--) {
                debug_out << "Echo: " << _source.tellg() << " " << std::quoted(line) << std::endl;
                if (predicate(line)) {
                    debug_out << "Ack" << std::endl;
                    return true;
            return false;
        bool expect(std::string_view message, unsigned max_lines = 999)
            return expect([=](std::string_view line) { return line == message; },
        MoveList&    _game;
        bp::opstream _sink;
        bp::ipstream _source;
        bp::child    _engine{"stockfish", bp::std_in<_sink, bp::std_out>_source};

    A demo run on my system printed:

    1. d2d4, d7d5
    2. g1f3, g8f6
    3. e2e3, e7e6
    4. c2c4, b8c6
    5. f1e2, f8e7
    6. e1g1, e8g8
    7. b1c3, c8d7
    8. c1d2, e7d6
    9. a2a3, d5c4
    10. e2c4, e6e5
    11. d4d5, c6e7
    12. e3e4, h7h6
    13. a1c1, c7c6
    14. d5c6, d7c6
    15. d1e2, d8d7
    16. f1d1, e7g6
    17. c3b5, f6e4
    18. b5d6, e4d6
    19. d2b4, g6f4
    20. e2f1, c6f3
    21. g2f3, d7h3
    22. d1d6, h3h5
    23. b4d2, a8d8
    24. d6d8, h5g5
    25. g1h1, f8d8
    26. d2e3, b7b6
    27. f1g1, g5f6
    28. c1d1, d8d1
    29. g1d1, f6f5
    30. e3f4, f5f4
    31. d1d8, g8h7
    32. c4d5, g7g6
    33. d8c7, h7g7
    34. h1g2, b6b5
    35. g2f1, a7a6
    36. h2h3, f4f5
    37. f1e2, f5f6
    38. c7c5, h6h5
    39. d5e4, f6e6
    40. c5d5, g7f6
    41. d5e6, f6e6
    42. b2b4, e6e7
    43. h3h4, e7e6
    44. e4b7, e6d6
    45. e2e3, d6c7
    46. b7d5, f7f6
    47. f3f4, c7d6
    48. d5b7, e5f4
    49. e3f4, d6d7
    50. b7e4, g6g5
    51. h4g5, d7e6
    52. g5g6, f6f5
    53. e4f5, e6f6
    54. f5e4, h5h4
    55. f4g4, h4h3
    56. g4h3, f6e7
    57. h3g4, e7f6
    58. g4h4, f6e6
    59. h4g5, e6e5
    60. e4f5, e5d4
    61. g6g7, d4c3
    62. g7g8q, c3d2
    63. g8d8, d2e1
    64. d8b6, a6a5
    65. b4a5, b5b4
    66. b6e3, e1d1
    67. f5d3, b4b3
    68. e3e2, d1c1
    69. a5a6, b3b2
    70. e2e1, (none)

    A win for white

    Asynchronous Implementation

    Just for completeness, I thought I'd try an asynchronous implementation. Using the default Asio callback style this could become unwieldy, so I thought to use Boost Coroutine for the stackful coroutines. That makes it so the implementation can be 99% similar to the synchronous version:

    using MoveList = std::deque<std::string>;
    using boost::asio::yield_context;
    struct Engine {
        Engine(MoveList& game) : _game(game) { init(); }
        std::string make_move()
            std::string best, ponder;
            boost::asio::spawn([this, &best, &ponder](yield_context yield) {
                auto bestmove = [&](std::string_view line) { //
                    return qi::parse(line.begin(), line.end(),
                                     "bestmove " >> +qi::graph >>
                                         -(" ponder " >> +qi::graph) >> qi::eoi,
                                     best, ponder);
                bool ok = send(_game, yield) //
                    && command("go", bestmove, yield);
                if (!ok)
                    throw std::runtime_error("Engine communication failed");
            return best;
        void init() {
            boost::asio::spawn([this](yield_context yield) {
                bool ok = true //
                    expect([](std::string_view banner) { return true; }, yield) //
                    && command("uci", "uciok", yield)                           //
                    && send("ucinewgame", yield)
                    && command("isready", "readyok", yield);
                if (!ok)
                    throw std::runtime_error("Cannot initialize UCI");
        bool command(std::string_view command, auto response, yield_context yield) {
            return send(command, yield) && expect(response, yield);
        bool send(std::string_view command, yield_context yield) {
            debug_out << "Send: " << std::quoted(command) << std::endl;
            using boost::asio::buffer;
            return async_write(_sink, std::vector{buffer(command), buffer("\n", 1)},
        bool send(MoveList const& moves, yield_context yield) {
            debug_out << "Send position (" << moves.size() << " moves)" << std::endl;
            using boost::asio::buffer;
            std::vector bufs{buffer("position startpos"sv)};
            if (!moves.empty()) {
                bufs.push_back(buffer(" moves"sv));
                for (auto const& mv : moves) {
                    bufs.push_back(buffer(" ", 1));
            bufs.push_back(buffer("\n", 1));
            return async_write(_sink, bufs, yield);
        bool expect(std::function<bool(std::string_view)> predicate, yield_context yield)
            auto buf = boost::asio::dynamic_buffer(_input);
            while (auto n = async_read_until(_source, buf, "\n", yield)) {
                std::string_view line(_input.data(), n > 0 ? n - 1 : n);
                debug_out << "Echo: " << std::quoted(line) << std::endl;
                bool matched = predicate(line);
                if (matched) {
                    debug_out << "Ack" << std::endl;
                    return true;
            return false;
        bool expect(std::string_view message, yield_context yield)
            return expect([=](std::string_view line) { return line == message; },
        void run_io() {
        boost::asio::io_context _io{1};
        bp::async_pipe          _sink{_io}, _source{_io};
        bp::child _engine{"stockfish", bp::std_in<_sink, bp::std_out> _source, _io};
        MoveList& _game;
        std::string _input; // read-ahead buffer

    The most noticeable difference is the switch from iostream style IO to buffer-based IO. Another test run using this version:

    1. d2d4, d7d5
    2. g1f3, g8f6
    3. e2e3, e7e6
    4. c2c4, b8c6
    5. f1e2, d5c4
    6. e2c4, f8d6
    7. e1g1, e8g8
    8. b1c3, e6e5
    9. d4d5, c6a5
    10. c4d3, c7c6
    11. e3e4, c6d5
    12. e4d5, c8g4
    13. h2h3, g4f3
    14. d1f3, h7h6
    15. c1d2, a8c8
    16. f3e2, d6b4
    17. f1d1, e5e4
    18. c3e4, f6d5
    19. d2b4, d5b4
    20. e4c3, b4d3
    21. d1d3, d8h4
    22. d3d7, f8d8
    23. a1d1, d8d7
    24. d1d7, h4g5
    25. e2d1, a5c6
    26. d7b7, c8d8
    27. d1g4, g5g4
    28. h3g4, d8d2
    29. c3e4, d2d1
    30. g1h2, a7a5
    31. h2g3, f7f6
    32. f2f3, g8f8
    33. b7c7, c6b4
    34. a2a3, b4d3
    35. b2b3, d1b1
    36. c7a7, b1b3
    37. a7a5, b3b2
    38. a3a4, d3c1
    39. a5a8, f8f7
    40. e4d6, f7e6
    41. d6f5, c1e2
    42. g3h2, g7g5
    43. a8a6, e6d7
    44. a6f6, e2f4
    45. f6h6, b2g2
    46. h2h1, g2a2
    47. h6a6, a2a1
    48. h1h2, a1a2
    49. h2g1, f4h3
    50. g1f1, a2f2
    51. f1e1, f2f3
    52. a6a7, d7c8
    53. f5d6, c8b8
    54. a7b7, b8a8
    55. b7b4, f3g3
    56. d6f5, g3a3
    57. e1d2, h3f4
    58. b4e4, a8b7
    59. d2c2, f4d3
    60. e4e3, a3a4
    61. c2d3, a4g4
    62. e3e7, b7c6
    63. e7e5, g4g1
    64. d3e2, g1c1
    65. f5d4, c6d6
    66. e5g5, c1c5
    67. g5g8, d6e5
    68. e2d3, c5c1
    69. g8g5, e5f6
    70. g5f5, f6g6
    71. f5f2, c1c7
    72. d3e4, c7e7
    73. e4d5, e7d7
    74. d5e5, d7e7
    75. e5d6, e7e8
    76. f2f1, e8a8
    77. d4c6, g6g5
    78. d6c5, a8e8
    79. f1d1, g5f4
    80. d1g1, e8e3
    81. g1c1, e3e8
    82. c1a1, e8e2
    83. a1a4, e2e4
    84. a4a7, e4e2
    85. c5d5, e2h2
    86. a7a1, h2d2
    87. c6d4, f4e3
    88. a1a4, e3f4
    89. a4a3, d2d1
    90. a3f3, f4g4
    91. f3f8, d1a1
    92. d4c2, a1a5
    93. d5e4, a5a4
    94. c2d4, g4g3
    95. e4d3, a4a1
    96. d3c3, a1e1
    97. c3c4, e1c1
    98. c4b3, c1a1
    99. d4e2, g3g4
    100. e2c3, g4g5
    101. f8b8, a1h1
    102. b8c8, g5f6
    103. c8e8, h1h4
    104. c3d5, f6f5
    105. b3c3, h4e4
    106. e8d8, f5e6
    107. d5b4, e4h4
    108. b4d3, e6e7
    109. d8g8, e7d7
    110. g8g6, d7e7
    111. g6a6, e7d7
    112. a6a8, h4h3
    113. c3d4, h3h4
    114. d4c3, h4h3
    115. c3d4, d7c7
    116. d3c1, h3h1
    117. c1a2, h1a1
    118. a2c1, a1a8
    119. c1b3, a8h8
    120. d4e5, h8h5
    121. e5e6, c7b6
    122. b3d4, b6c5
    123. d4f5, h5h1
    124. e6e5, h1e1
    125. e5f4, c5c4
    126. f5e3, c4d3
    127. e3g4, e1a1
    128. f4e5, a1a2
    129. e5f5, d3d4
    130. f5f4, a2a8
    131. f4f5, a8a5
    132. f5e6, a5g5
    133. g4f6, g5g1
    134. e6f5, g1a1
    135. f6d7, a1e1
    136. d7f6, e1e5
    137. f5f4, e5a5
    138. f6g4, d4d5
    139. g4e3, d5e6
    140. f4e4, a5a4
    141. e4f3, e6e5
    142. e3g4, e5f5
    143. g4e3, f5e6
    144. e3g4, a4a3
    145. f3e4, a3b3
    146. g4e3, b3b4
    147. e4f3, e6d6
    148. e3g4, b4a4
    149. g4e3, d6c5
    150. e3g4, c5d5
    151. g4e3, d5d4
    152. f3f4, d4d3
    153. f4f3, a4e4
    154. e3f5, e4e6
    155. f3f4, e6e1
    156. f5g3, e1c1
    157. f4e5, c1c4
    158. g3f5, c4c5
    159. e5f4, c5b5
    160. f5d6, b5a5
    161. d6f5, a5a4
    162. f4e5, a4c4
    163. e5d5, c4b4
    164. f5d6, b4h4
    165. d5e5, h4h5
    166. e5f4, h5h1
    167. f4e5, h1e1
    168. e5f5, e1a1
    169. d6c4, d3c4
    170. f5e4, a1e1
    171. e4f5, c4d4
    172. f5f6, d4d5
    173. f6f7, e1e6
    174. f7f8, d5e5
    175. f8g7, e6f6
    176. g7h7, e5f5
    177. h7g7, f5g5
    178. g7h7, f6f7
    179. h7h8, g5g6
    180. h8g8, f7f6
    181. g8h8, f6f8
    182. (none), (none)

    A very dry, draw-out rook endgame, but black stumbles on the win in the end

    Note the engine might get stuck in an infinite loop - assuming that the 50-move rule/3-fold repetition do not automatically lead to draw.