I created a barh plot including xerr. For the caps of the errorbars I would like round edges. I tried to set the capstyle in the error_kw, which didn't work out.
bars = ax.barh(range(3), [1,2,3],
align='center', color='silver', height=0.5,
capsize=12, error_kw={'elinewidth':1, 'solid_capstyle':'round'})
I also tried to access the Line2D objects afterwards to change the capstyle, which also didn't work out.
Can someone please give me a hint what I'm doing wrong here?
I found the problem now, I had to access the private attribute of the cap. Instead of the method
I had to access the private attribute:
cap._marker._capstyle = "round"
Thanks for your comment anyway @tmdavison