Working on a blazor application, it has a method that needs to be called from the JS ! When I try to call the method without static keyword I get this error -
The assembly 'AssemblyName' does not contain a public invokable method with [JSInvokableAttribute("INIT_COMPLIANCE")].
As soon as I add static it recognizes and loads it fine.
Here's my code in blazor component -
protected override Task OnInitializedAsync()
jsToDotNetBridgeReference = DotNetObjectReference.Create(this);
js.InvokeVoidAsync("SetDotNetReference", jsToDotNetBridgeReference);
return base.OnInitializedAsync();
public async void InitComplianceComponent(string token)
id_token = token;
await GetData();
JS -
self.addNewCompliance = function () {
const url = someurl;
var resource = window.authContext.getResourceForEndpoint(url);
window.authContext.acquireToken(resource, function (error, token) {
// Handle ADAL Error
if (error || !token) {
console.log('ADAL Error Occurred: ' + error);
} else {
Blazor.start().then(() => {
window.InitComplianceComponent(window.DotNet, token);
//window.InitComplianceComponent(window.DotNet, token);
InitComplianceComponent = function (dotnetObj, token) {
dotnetObj.invokeMethod("AssemblyName", "INIT_COMPLIANCE", token);
I do not want to use static keyword as the GetData
is non-static method and I cannot call it from the static method.
Where am I wrong here.
you can do like this:
protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
await JSRuntime.InvokeVoidAsync("yourJsFunctionName",
DotNetObjectReference.Create(this), nameof(MethodToInvokeFromJs));
public void MethodToInvokeFromJs()
//your code
and your js code will look like this:
function yourJsFunctionName(instance, callback) {