Step-out seems to be broken in Simics 2021.24. I did "enable-debugger" but it still doesn't work. Please see below:
[board.mb.cpu0.core[0][0]] cs:0x00000000def963ae p:0x0def963ae sbb rax,rax
sbb rax,rax
cs:0x00000000def963ae p:0x0def963ae sbb rax,rax
cs:0x00000000def963b1 p:0x0def963b1 and rax,rcx
cs:0x00000000def963b4 p:0x0def963b4 mov rdi,qword ptr [rsp+0x8]
cs:0x00000000def963b9 p:0x0def963b9 ret
cs:0x00000000def963ba p:0x0def963ba mov rcx,r11
cs:0x00000000def963bd p:0x0def963bd lea rax,[r9-0x1]
cs:0x00000000def963c1 p:0x0def963c1 shr rdx,cl
cs:0x00000000def963c4 p:0x0def963c4 cmp rdx,rax
cs:0x00000000def963c7 p:0x0def963c7 jb 0xdef96363
cs:0x00000000def963c9 p:0x0def963c9 sub rdx,r9
simics> step-out
simics> da %rip 10
cs:0x00000000def963ae p:0x0def963ae sbb rax,rax
cs:0x00000000def963b1 p:0x0def963b1 and rax,rcx
cs:0x00000000def963b4 p:0x0def963b4 mov rdi,qword ptr [rsp+0x8]
cs:0x00000000def963b9 p:0x0def963b9 ret
cs:0x00000000def963ba p:0x0def963ba mov rcx,r11
cs:0x00000000def963bd p:0x0def963bd lea rax,[r9-0x1]
cs:0x00000000def963c1 p:0x0def963c1 shr rdx,cl
cs:0x00000000def963c4 p:0x0def963c4 cmp rdx,rax
cs:0x00000000def963c7 p:0x0def963c7 jb 0xdef96363
cs:0x00000000def963c9 p:0x0def963c9 sub rdx,r9
Likewise "step-over-instruction" doesn't seem to step over calls, it steps into them...
simics> step-over-instruction
call rax
cs:0x00000000dee41d19 p:0x0dee41d19 call rax
cs:0x00000000dee41d1b p:0x0dee41d1b jmp 0xdee41d2d
cs:0x00000000dee41d1d p:0x0dee41d1d mov rax,qword ptr [rip+0x265bc]
cs:0x00000000dee41d24 p:0x0dee41d24 mov rcx,rbp
cs:0x00000000dee41d27 p:0x0dee41d27 call qword ptr [rax+0xf8]
cs:0x00000000dee41d2d p:0x0dee41d2d cmp si,r13w
cs:0x00000000dee41d31 p:0x0dee41d31 jb 0xdee41ced
cs:0x00000000dee41d33 p:0x0dee41d33 mov r13d,0x400
cs:0x00000000dee41d39 p:0x0dee41d39 mov eax,dword ptr [rbx+0x114]
cs:0x00000000dee41d3f p:0x0dee41d3f sub eax,0x10
simics> step-over-instruction
sub rsp,0x28
cs:0x00000000dee39160 p:0x0dee39160 sub rsp,0x28
cs:0x00000000dee39164 p:0x0dee39164 test rdx,rdx
cs:0x00000000dee39167 p:0x0dee39167 je 0xdee39179
cs:0x00000000dee39169 p:0x0dee39169 mov rax,qword ptr [rip+0x1b58]
cs:0x00000000dee39170 p:0x0dee39170 mov rcx,rdx
cs:0x00000000dee39173 p:0x0dee39173 call qword ptr [rax+0xf8]
cs:0x00000000dee39179 p:0x0dee39179 add rsp,0x28
cs:0x00000000dee3917d p:0x0dee3917d ret
cs:0x00000000dee3917e p:0x0dee3917e int3
cs:0x00000000dee3917f p:0x0dee3917f int3
simics> print -x %rax
So you can see it called to where rax was set, instead of stepping over the call.
both the step-out and step-over-instruction requires debug information. You can add debug information with add-symbol-file. If you don't have the debug information, you will have to set a breakpoint or run until the instruction after the call. In this case, that would be one of: -x address = p:0x0dee41d1b
bp.memory.break -x address = p:0x0dee41d1b c