At the time of writing this question, I was attempting to get Postman to send a GET request, Read the response, and use that response to send a POST Request.
I am not sure how to accomplish this. I am not sure where the data of the GET request is stored, and I do not know how to access it.
Where is this data stored, if anywhere, and how can I use it?
In pre-requisite add:
// set initial value
const method = pm.variables.get("method")
// set initial value as GET if method is undefined
method ? null : pm.variables.set("method", "GET")
// Set this as method
pm.request.method =method
in test script add :
// the condition check
if (pm.response.json().somevalue === "somevalue") {
//then change the method
pm.variables.set("method", "POST")
//call the same request again using setNExtRequest
// gives current request's name