
Twitch bot multiple channels but message only at 1

So my bot is connected to 3 channels and if all 3 channels are online how can bot only work on First channel if he's going offline so swap to next channel

const tmi = require('tmi.js'),
    { channel, username, password } = require('./settings.json');

const options = {
    options: { debug: true },
    connection: {
        reconnect: true,
        secure: true
    identity : {
    channels: [

const client = new tmi.Client(options);

client.on('connected', () => {
    client.say(channel, ``);

client.on('message', (channel, user, message, self) => {
    if(self) return;
    if(user.username == 'asd' && message === "zxc") {
        client.say(channel, 'abc');




  • To say something in a channel you use client.say(channel, message);.

    So if you only want to say something in only one channel, you would have to save the channel somewhere:

    const TALK_CHANNEL = '#Pok_X';
    client.on('message', (channel, user, message, self) => {
        if(self) return;
        if(user.username == 'asd' && message === "zxc") {
            client.say(TALK_CHANNEL, 'abc');

    Handling the channel swapping would look like this:

    const USERNAME = 'asd';
    const CHANNELS = ['#pok1', '#pok2', '#pok3', ];
    let current_channel = null;
    let last_joined_channel = null;
    // From docs:
    // Username has joined a channel. Not available on large channels and is also sent in batch every 30-60secs.
    client.on("join", (channel, username, self) => {
        if (username != USERNAME || !CHANNELS.includes(channel))
        last_joined_channel = channel;
        if (current_channel === null)
             current_channel = channel;
    // user left a channel
    client.on("part", (channel, username, self) => {
        if (username != USERNAME || !CHANNELS.includes(channel))
        current_channel = last_joined_channel;
        last_joined_channel = null;
    client.on('message', (channel, user, message, self) => {
        if(user.username == USERNAME && message === "zxc" && current_channel != null) {
            client.say(current_channel, 'abc');