Simply put, I want to have an input of letters, and output all possible combinations for a set length range. for example: length range 1 - 2 input a, b, c ... output a, b, c, aa, ab, ac, bb, ba, bc, cc, ca, cb
I am trying to make an anagram/spell check solver so that I can 'automate' the NYT's Spelling Bee game. So, I want to input the letters given into my program, get an array of all possible combinations for specific lengths (they have a min word length of 4) and then check that array against an array of all English words. What I have so far is:
letters = ["m","o","r"]
words = []
# Puts all the words into an array'en_words.txt') do |word|
word.each_line.each do |line|
words << line.strip
class String
def permutation(&block)
arr = split(//)
arr.permutation { |i| yield i.join }
letters.join.permutation do |i|
p "#{i}" if words.include?(i)
my issue with the above code is that it stop s at the number of letters I have given it. For example, it will not repeat to return "room" or "moor". So, what I am trying to do is get a more complete list of combinations, and then check those against my word list.
Thank you for your help.
How about going the other way? Checking every word to make sure it only uses the allowed letters? I tried this with the 3000 most common words and it worked plenty fast.
words = [..]
letters = [ "m", "o", "r" ]
words.each do |word|
all_letters_valid = true
word.chars.each do |char|
unless letters.include?(char)
all_letters_valid = false
if all_letters_valid
puts word
If letters can repeat there isn't a finite number of permutations so that approach doesn't make sense.
Assumption: English ascii characters only