Alright, so I'm working on making a d100 slash command for Discord.js v13, the app works almost perfectly I've tried a few things but have run into a wall. The bot gives the undoctored user name, without a mention and ignored nicknames, rather than the nickname.
This is the closest I've gotten to my goal (a command that @mentions the nickname)
//Remember to run " node deploy-commands.js " to register your commands!
const { SlashCommandBuilder } = require('@discordjs/builders');
module.exports = {
data: new SlashCommandBuilder()
.setDescription('rolls a 100'),
async execute(interaction) {
await interaction.reply(`${interaction.user.username} rolled ${Math.round(Math.random() *100 )}`);
Please Ignore the node command at the top I tend to forget to node when adding new commands for slash commands.
trying to change the ${interaction.user.username} for nicknames, mentions, etc lead to:
undefined rolled 44
undefined rolled 55
rather then the username or a @mention
on a few options I got the return:
function userMention(userId) {
return <@${userId}>;
} rolled 5
if anyone could give me any tips I would be grateful I'm pretty sure its the ${interaction.user.username} that is my issue.
You are trying to use ${interaction.user.username}
which is invalid and will always give you undefined
, so to mention someone you have to use interaction.member.user
and for username: interaction.member.user.username