
How to add an configure GKE node pool access scope

Running gcloud container clusters describe [CLUSTER NAME]: the scopes listed under the oauthScopes property does not include, but i need it to pull my private image from container registry.

How do i add to the auth scope

Edit: I am automating my deployment with Ansible playbooks


  • According to google cloud docs on associating a service account to an instance

    When you create an instance using the gcloud command-line tool or the Google Cloud Console, you can specify which service account the instance uses when calling Google Cloud APIs. The instance is automatically configured with the following access scopes:

    Cloud Storage is the permission I need, so it's expected to be enabled by default, but one thing to note is that that the above applies when an instance is created using the gcloud command-line tool or the Google Cloud Console

    In my case I was creating my instance using Ansible playbook. which is the module I use in creating the node pool takes a couple of parameters which includes config then oauth_scopes which is:

    The set of Google API scopes to be made available on all of the node VMs under the "default" service account. The following scopes are recommended, but not required, and by default are not included: is required for mounting persistent storage on your nodes. is required for communicating with (the Google Container Registry). If unspecified, no scopes are added, unless Cloud Logging or Cloud Monitoring are enabled, in which case their required scopes will be added.

    This means unlike when using the command-line tool or cloud console, when you create a node pool using the Ansible module no scopes are added by default. Except the scopes for cloud logging and monitoring which are always added if enabled for your project.

    To fix this,I included a list of oath_scopes I would like to enable:

    - name: create k8s node pool
        name: "node-pool-{{ cluster_name }}"
        initial_node_count: "{{ initial_node_count }}"
        cluster: "{{ cluster }}"
          disk_size_gb: "{{ disk_size_gb }}"
          disk_type: "{{ disk_type }}"
          machine_type: "{{ machine_type }}"
        location: "{{ zone }}"
        project: "{{ project_id }}"
        auth_kind: serviceaccount
        service_account_file: "{{ credentials_file }}"
        state: present

    When you run the playbook again, the node pool would be recreated, this time with the scopes you have specified.