
Send a link to a webpage and automatically download a file

so I have a webpage with a element similar to the following

<a href="docs/some_file.xlsx" download="some_file.xlsx" class="btn btn-primary">Download!</a>

Now I'd like to send a hyperlink to some clients via email so that they would access the webpage and at the same time have the file downloaded without them having to click on it. That way they get the file and I make sure that they see the webpage where there is a lot more information.

So far I thought about a right click and copy link to the button directly from the browser but that hyperlink simply downloads the file if I click on it from ab email and I want the browser to pop up and show the landing page where the button and info is. Any idea?

BTW, the webpage is fully static so no php running. Only HTML and javascript could be used to configure the webpage


  • What you could do - setup a certain parameter for example:

    then add a piece of javascript that either imediately, or after some timeout automatically downloads the file. Something like:

    document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) { 
        if (window.location.href.indexOf("autodownload") > -1)
            }, 3000); //your timeout in miliseconds

    of course this solution will not work, if browser will block opening new windows. Second possibility with this approach is to replace the function with click on the anchor itself.