I want to get a list of routines from a VBA project, then run the macros selected by the user.
The image below shows the native "Macros" box. I want to extend this functionality to multiple macros across multiple documents.
I found this link which solves the first part of the problem. Now that I have my list, how do I run a selected routine by name?
Hello and welcome to SO
Below is code sample how to execute VBA macro using code. You need to add some form to select documents and macros for execute. This depends on your implementation.
Sub RunMacroUsingCode()
Dim vbaProjectName As String
vbaProjectName = "InventorVBA"
Dim vbaModuleName As String
vbaModuleName = "m_Tests"
Dim vbaMacroName As String
vbaMacroName = "RunMultipleMacrosTestCall"
Dim vbaProject As InventorVBAProject
For Each vbaProject In ThisApplication.VBAProjects
If vbaProject.name = vbaProjectName Then Exit For
Dim vbaModule As InventorVBAComponent
For Each vbaModule In vbaProject.InventorVBAComponents
If vbaModule.name = vbaModuleName Then Exit For
'Using result is optional
Dim result As Variant
Call vbaModule.InventorVBAMembers(vbaMacroName).Execute(result)
End Sub
Function RunMultipleMacrosTestCall()
Call MsgBox("TEST")
RunMultipleMacrosTestCall = True
End Function