sorry i really dont know how to properly ask this question. I would like to parse CS:GO Demo files in Powershell, and i would like to retrive the map name from it.
I opening dem files like this: Get-Content $demo | Select -First 1 | Select-String -Pattern 'de_'
And i get this as response:
HL2DEMO đ5 MatchServer I.
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ą Vđk (8wEÄü€ŢMĐhZăU X@`śh u <zcsgo‚ de_mirageŠ ’sky_dustšGOTV¨ ° ¸ ( 0 ž
I would like to get only the de_mirage as a variable. So if a map changes, then it will be de_dust2 or de_inferno and so on. Does anybody know a solution for this?
Thank you!
When using Get-Content
, each line is passed down the pipeline one at a time, unless specifying the -Raw
switch. The reason I bring this up is due to your Select
cmdlet that you're piping to. When you specified the parameter of -First
, with a value of 1
, you're only grabbing the first line, and then trying to find the pattern in the first line.
Here's my poor attempt at RegEx:
Get-Content -Path $demo | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_ -match 'de_\w+' }
. . .where the $Matches
Automatic Variable contains all the matched RegEx patterns (as the name indicates) stored in an array format; where we use the index number to reference the value. This would also work piping to Select-String
when searching for a Pattern just like you had done.