I'm trying to set the reply-to email address of the email sent by an EmailFinisher to an email entered by the visitor of the website who fills out the contact form.
I tried the following, working through the README of https://github.com/neos/form-builder#custom-form-elements, adapting it to my needs.
A php class for the new finisher looks like this (first draft):
namespace Vendor\Site\Form\Finisher;
use Neos\Flow\Annotations as Flow;
use Neos\Form\Exception\FinisherException;
use Neos\Form\Finishers\EmailFinisher;
class EmailWithDynamicReplytoFinisher extends EmailFinisher
* Executes this finisher
* Sends a mail with the reply-to address set to the address supplied by the customer who filled the form
* @return void
* @throws FinisherException
* @see AbstractFinisher::execute()
protected function executeInternal()
$this->options['replyToAddress'] = 'test@foo.bar';
Then I overrode the EmailFinisher of the original package like so:
formElementType: 'Vendor.Site:EmailWithDynamicReplytoFinisher'
The change took effect as the rendering broke. It says: The finisher preset identified by "Vendor.Site:EmailWithDynamicReplytoFinisher" could not be found, or the implementationClassName was not specified.
The same effect happens, if I try overriding it via fusion:
prototype(Neos.Form.Builder:EmailFinisher.Definition) {
formElementType = 'Vendor.Site:EmailWithDynamicReplytoFinisher'
I thought that this configuration would tell Neos where to look for the finisher implementation but it does not seem to make a change at all (note: my package depends on neos/form-builder, so I think loading order should not be a problem here):
implementationClassName: Vendor\Site\Form\Finisher\EmailWithDynamicReplytoFinisher
options: { }
What am I missing? How to make Neos find the implementation and actually use it?
The finisher preset identified by "Oekokiste.Core:EmailWithDynamicReplytoFinisher" could not be found
You defined this finisher in the fusion
preset. Do you use that to render the form, too?