I'm trying to use the code below on the ifstream twice - before I read anything from the file, and after I read to the end of it (using readline()
m_hexFile->m_ifsteam->seekg(0, m_hexFile->m_ifsteam->ios_base::end);
test1 = m_hexFile->m_ifsteam->tellg();
test1 = m_hexFile->m_ifsteam->tellg();
is some poisition in the middle of the file. It is not important for this issue.)
On the first run, the code works as expected. Then when I run it the second time, the value of the variable test1
is -1, even after using clear()
I looked through the similar questions, and all of the solutions said to use function clear()
(which I already do).
Solution was to check elsewhere. I had closed the stream somewhere else in the program. Using the code above on a closed stream ofcourse wont work.