I am learning Constraint Handling Rules (CHR) in swi-prolog.
I started with the tutorial from Tom Schrijvers' Constraint Handling Rules A Tutorial for (Prolog) Programmers.
In p.286, the author gave an example to implement Inequality constraint.
:- use_module(library(chr)).
:- chr_constraint neq/2.
neq(X,X) <=> fail.
neq(X,Y) <=> X \= Y | true.
But it does not work as expected in swi-prolog.
For example, in swi-prolog
?- neq(A,B).
?- neq(A,B), A = B.
A = $VAR(B).
but it should be
?- neq(A,B).
?- neq(A,B), A = B.
How can I get the same result as in the slide?
My swi-prolog version (threaded, 64 bits, version 8.2.4) on windows.
You may use ?=/2 for your second clause:
:- use_module(library(chr)).
:- chr_constraint neq/2.
neq(X,X) <=> fail.
neq(X,Y) <=> ?=(X,Y) | true.
Sample runs:
?- neq(a,a).
?- neq(a,b).
?- neq(A,B).
neq(A, B).
?- neq(A,B), A = f(C), B = f(D).
A = f(C),
B = f(D),
neq(f(C), f(D)).
?- neq(A,B), A = [1,X], B=[].
A = [1, X],
B = [].