
c++ klocwork scan std::vector uninitialized

 > -Severity (Error)
 > -ID(local): 7
 > -Code: UNINIT.CTOR.MUST --> IpuCCAInterfaceBase()
 > -Message: 'this->_remaining_run_kernels_uuids' is not initialized
 > in this constructor.
 > -Details:
 > 'this->_remaining_run_kernels_uuids' is not initialized in this
 > constructor.
 > * IpuCCAInterfaceBase.cpp:47: passing 'this' to 'InitializeSaResults'
 > does not initialize 'this->_remaining_run_kernels_uuids'
 > * IpuCCAInterfaceBase.cpp:47: passing 'this' to 'CreateNVMData'
 > does not initialize 'this->_remaining_run_kernels_uuids'
 > * IpuCCAInterfaceBase.cpp:143: 'this->_remaining_run_kernels_uuids'
 > is used, but is uninitialized.
 > Current status 'Analyze'

This is the error I am getting

class COMMON_CCA_INTERFACE IpuCCAInterfaceBase : public ICCAOperations

    vector<int> _remaining_run_kernels_uuids;

here is the header file

the cpp ctor


we are using klocworks 20.1 what is the recommended way to solve this error?

the vector will be initialized and filled later in a different function. but when loading the class there is no data in it.


  • Perhaps Klockwork requires you to explicitly initialize the vector, for example in a constructor initializer list:

        : _remaining_run_kernels_uuids{ }

    With that said, I would consider the message a false positive, as the vector should be implicitly default-constructed (and thus initialized) even without this.