AzureCliCredential giving error, Please run 'az login' to set up account

I am using ChainedTokenCredential and trying to get managed identity token in local debug environment using Visual Studio 2019. In windows terminal I already logged in using Azure CLI az login.

var credential = new ChainedTokenCredential(
                    new ManagedIdentityCredential(),
                                new AzureCliCredential());

var token = await credential .GetTokenAsync(new TokenRequestContext(new[] { _configuration.GetSection("scope").Value }));

When I am running code in debug I am seeing below error,

The ChainedTokenCredential failed to retrieve a token from the included credentials. ManagedIdentityCredential authentication unavailable. No Managed Identity endpoint found. Please run 'az login' to set up account

Where I need to do az login? Thanks.


  • Execute az logout first and try again az login and I suggest to set default subscription by executing az account set -s "Subscription ID"