i have character pointer input and have set 50 bytes of memory for it. After i take input from keyboard using scanf , for example "apple" then i assume that remaining spaces are filled with null character. if it is so , how can i get all the characters or memory location including location of null characters. Is there any way to do it?
int main() {
char *input;
int size;
input = (char *)malloc(50);
printf("%s\n", "enter something:");
scanf("%s", input);
size = strlen(input) + 1;
The string manipulation functions work on strings. If you want to treat your character array as a character array instead of a string, just avoid the string functions (generally, those that are named str*
). eg:
#include <stdio.h>
main(int argc, char **argv)
char input[50] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw";
printf("%s\n", "enter something:");
if( 1 == scanf("%49s", input)) {
fwrite(input, sizeof(char), sizeof input, stdout);
return 0;
Be aware that if you are expecting to view this data, the non-printable characters will probably not be rendered well. In particular, if you view the data in a terminal, the null character written by scanf may cause some confusion. YMMV.