Given a directory structure like
- child1
- file1
- file2
- file3
- child2
- file1
- file3
- child3
- file1
- file2
- file3
- file4
what command will delete all child directories of parent
that contain all or some of file1
, file2
, file3
but no others. I.e. in the example child1
and child2
should be deleted but child3
should remain since it also contains file4
Please post both a dry run and actual version of the command to first check which folders would be deleted.
You would probably need a function that deletes the child directories only if it does not contain a set of input file(s) you want to check for.
delete_dir() {
local subdir=$1
local string_of_files=$2
#convert list of files into array
read -ra files_to_keep <<< "$string_of_files"
local list_of_files=()
if [ -d "$subdir" ]; then
for i in $subdir/*; do list_of_files=("${list_of_files[@]}" $(basename $i)); done
local list_of_matched_files=()
for i in ${list_of_files[@]}; do
if [[ " ${files_to_keep[@]} " =~ " $i " ]]; then
list_of_matched_files=("${list_of_matched_files[@]}" "$i")
if [ "${#list_of_matched_files[@]}" -eq 0 ]; then
echo "deleting $subdir"
#rm -r $subdir
echo "Not deleting $subdir, since it contains files you want to keep!!"
echo "directory $subdir not found"
# Example1: function call
delete_dir child1 file4
# Example2: For your case you can loop through subdirectories like,
for dir in $(ls -d parent/child*); do
delete_dir $dir file4
example output:
$ ./
Not deleting child1/, since it contains files you want to keep!!
Not deleting child2/, since it contains files you want to keep!!
deleting child3/
You'd be better off using python for such operations if you're are at liberty to choose, since you can make it much simpler and modular.