I am using the following code to upload photos and videos to Google Photos using Powershell. The code works perfectly for pictures, but will fail when uploading a video (which is accepted in Google Photos when this is uploaded through a browser).
When attempting to upload a video, raw bytes upload will succeed, but mediaItems.batchCreate
will fail with status.code 3
and status.message "Failed: There was an error while trying to create this media item."
Could this be due to a wrong mime type in the header?
Function GP-UploadMedia (){
Uploads a Google Photos media (picture/video)
- album id
- media path
- picture id
param (
# refresh tokens if required
# 1st step: upload raw bytes
$requestUri = "https://photoslibrary.googleapis.com/v1/uploads"
$mime_type = [System.Web.MimeMapping]::GetMimeMapping($media_path);
$Headers = @{
Authorization = "Bearer $($Global:Tokens.access_token)";
ContentType = "application/octet-stream";
"X-Goog-Upload-Content-Type" = $mime_type;
"X-Goog-Upload-Protocol" = "raw";
$body = $media_path;
try {
$upload_token = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $Headers -InFile $body -Uri $requestUri -Method POST
catch {
# Something went wrong. Investigate!
dieOnError ([System.IO.StreamReader]::new($_.Exception.Response.GetResponseStream()));
# refresh tokens if required
# 2nd step: pair raw bytes to Google Photo media (picture/video)
$requestUri = "https://photoslibrary.googleapis.com/v1/mediaItems:batchCreate"
$Headers = @{
Authorization = "Bearer $($Global:Tokens.access_token)";
$body = [PSCustomObject]@{
albumId = $album_id;
newMediaItems = @(
description = "";
simpleMediaItem = [PSCustomObject]@{
fileName = (Split-Path $media_path -leaf);
uploadToken = $upload_token;
$myJson = $body|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 4
try {
$Response = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $Headers -Body ($myJson) -Uri $requestUri -Method POST -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8";
catch {
# Something went wrong. Investigate!
dieOnError ([System.IO.StreamReader]::new($_.Exception.Response.GetResponseStream()));
return $Response.newMediaItemResults.MediaItem.id;
Although I'm not sure whether this is the direct solution to your issue, when your script is modified as follows, is that the direct solution to your issue? In this case, please modify the request header of "1st step: upload raw bytes" as follows.
ContentType = "application/octet-stream";
"Content-Type" = "application/octet-stream";