Theorem add_0_r : forall n:nat, n + 0 = n.
intros n. induction n as [| n' IHn'].
- (* n = 0 *) reflexivity.
- (* n = S n' *) simpl. rewrite -> IHn'. reflexivity. Qed.
Theorem plus_n_Sm : forall n m : nat,
S (n + m) = n + (S m).
intros n m. induction m as [| m' IHn']. rewrite -> add_0_r. rewrite <- sum.
The last tactic rewirte <- sum
does not work. This is the goal:
n: ℕ
S(n) = n + 1
I don't know how to rewrite n+1
as S(n)
. I think that n+1
is just a notation for S(n)
, right?
If you look at the definition of +
as follows, you can see that it is defined by induction on its first argument:
Locate "+". (* to obtain the name Nat.add *)
Print Nat.add.
Nat.add =
fix add (n m : nat) {struct n} : nat :=
match n with
| 0 => m
| S p => S (add p m)
: nat -> nat -> nat
As a result 1 + n
is indeed convertible to S n
(you can see that using Eval cbn in 1 + ?[n].
) but not n + 1
(if you unfold Nat.add.
you will obtain a pattern match stuck on the variable n
For your proof, that specific definition of +
means that you might reconsider your approach and try to do your proof by induction on n
rather than m
(paying attention to have the right induction hypothesis).