I use ngrok to test my flask app with OKTA. For which my ngrok public URL gets changed time to time. I need to change my OKTA application integration setting based on the current URL as given below
Single Sign On URL http://4e4f-103-97-210-83.ngrok.io/saml/sso/example-okta-com
Recipient URL http://4e4f-103-97-210-83.ngrok.io/saml/sso/example-okta-com
Destination URL http://4e4f-103-97-210-83.ngrok.io/saml/sso/example-okta-comAudience
Restriction http://4e4f-103-97-210-83.ngrok.io/saml/sso/example-okta-com
it is very tedious jobs to change URL everywhere when there is only change in string "4e4f-103-97-210-83"
is there any macro facility to define in OKTA app integration something like below
# url_part 4e4f-103-97-210-83
I just need to change url_part macro based on ngrok output, and it is good to go. Any idea?
You can use Okta API to make this change for your app config, or Terraform which uses the same under the hood.
Or you can get a plan from ngrok, which allows to keep public URL permanent