am trying for a long time to copy the following folder to remote server but unfortunately giving always error. I try alot of ways :((((
I really need a help
The code:
$ServerLists = Get-Content -Path "c:\scripts\serverslist.txt"
$NewRFCName = Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter New RFC Name'
foreach ($server in $ServerLists)
$from = "C:\Releases\" + $NewRFCName
$exchange = New-PSSession -ComputerName $server -Credential $Credential
# #######Copy the new pakage to Website folder : #######
Write-Host "server :$server \\ Copying the new pakgae to Website folder "
Invoke-Command -Session $exchange -ScriptBlock {Copy-Item $from C:\site -Recurse}
The Error:
Cannot bind argument to parameter 'Path' because it is null.
The scriptblock passed to Invoke-Command
will be executed on the remote machine, where the $from
variable doesn't exist.
You can force PowerShell to copy it's value to the remote session by specifying the using:
$ServerLists = Get-Content -Path "c:\scripts\serverslist.txt"
$NewRFCName = Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter New RFC Name'
foreach ($server in $ServerLists) {
$from = "C:\Releases\" + $NewRFCName
$exchange = New-PSSession -ComputerName $server -Credential $Credential
# #######Copy the new pakage to Website folder : #######
Write-Host "server :$server \\ Copying the new pakgae to Website folder "
Invoke-Command -Session $exchange -ScriptBlock { Copy-Item $using:from C:\site -Recurse }
Or by explicitly passing it as an argument to the remote session:
Invoke-Command -Session $exchange -ScriptBlock { param([string]$Path) Copy-Item $Path C:\site -Recurse } -ArgumentList $from