
How to add custom font in react-pdf/pdf

Can anyone say how to add custom font with @react-pdf/pdfkit in react.js?

I tried to use doc.registerFont(path, font_family) But its showing an error like Unhandled Rejection (Error): fontkit.openSync unavailable for browser build

Can anyone help me? I dont want to render the pdf. Instead I am trying to create and download it. So I cant use react-pdf/renderer. Thats why I used react-pdf/pdfkit


    1. in my case, I import the fonts as normal and it works. You can download the google fonts here . However, it is probably that you have to set up the webpack configuration.
        import FontUbuntuRegular from './styles/pdfFonts/ubuntuRegular.ttf';
        import FontUbuntuItalic from '.7styles/pdfFonts/ubuntuItalic.ttf';
        import FontUbuntu700 from './styles/pdfFonts/ubuntu700.ttf';
          family: 'Ubuntu',
          fonts: [
              src: FontUbuntuRegular,
              src: FontUbuntuItalic,
              fontWeight: 'bold',
              src: FontUbuntu700,
              fontWeight: 'normal',
              fontStyle: 'italic',

    2. (RECOMMENDED) EASY, and simple, NO webpack configuration.

    I found another way to add the src, it was to look for the Webfont.

    1. I had to scroll to make an API call with sort by ALPHA (alphabetic ordered) Google Api Fonts click Here to look for your font image example.
    2. I scrolled and founded image example
    3. I added manually the "S" to HTTP. before ("http://... ")=> after("https://...").
    4. I added to my code easily, and it is working perfectly.
      family: 'Ubuntu',
      fonts: [
          src: '',
          src: '',
          fontWeight: 'bold',
          src: '',
          fontWeight: 'normal',
          fontStyle: 'italic',