
When and how to use hibernate second level cache?

I have trouble understanding when hibernate hits the second level cache and when does it invalidate the cache.

This is what I currently understand:

What I don't understand is

Or am I thinking caching totally wrong? What would be more appropriate uses of second level cache in that case? The hibernate documentation is not at all clear how the cache works in reality. There are only instructions on how to get it set up.

Update: So I've come to understand that second level cache(without query cache) would be good for loading data by id's. For example I have user object that I want to check for permissions in every request in a web application. Would this be a good case to reduce database access by caching the user in the second level cache? Like I would store the user id in the session or wherever and when I need to check for permissions I would load the user by it's id and check permissions.


  • First of all, let's talk about process level cache (or 2nd level cache as they call it in Hibernate). To make it work, you should

    1. configure cache provider
    2. tell hibernate what entities to cache (right in hbm.xml file if you use this kind of mapping).

    You tell to the cache provider how many objects it should store and when/why they should be invalidated. So let's say you have a Book and an Author entities, each time you're getting them from the DB, only those that are not in cache will be selected from actually DB. This increases performance significantly. It's useful when:

    So when does cache work?

    But it doesn't work when:

    Now, about Query Cache. You should note that it's not a separate cache, it's an addition to the process level cache. Let's say you have a Country entity. It's static, so you know that each time there will be the same result set when you say from Country. This is a perfect candidate for query cache, it will store a list of IDs in itself and when you next time select all countries, it will return this list to the process level cache and the latter, in turn, will return objects for each ID as these objects are stored already in the 2nd level cache. Query cache is invalidated each time anything related to the entity changes. So let's say you configured from Authors to be placed into a Query Cache. It won't be effective as Author changes often. So you should use Query Cache only for more or less static data.