
Print largest & second largest number from three variables entered by the user by conditional statement

Hey I recently started to learn python. Below is the program to find the largest number, I want to know how do I print the second largest number. Thanks in advance.

x=int(input("Enter the 1st number: \n"))
y=int(input("Enter the 2nd number: \n"))
z=int(input("Enter the 3rd number: \n"))

if x>y:

if y>z:
if f1>f2:
    print(str(f1)+" is greatest")
    print(str(f2)+" is greatest")


  • You can easily get the second largest number by adding the input to a list and sorting it.

    Try this:

    xyz = [x,y,z]
    sorted_xyz = sorted(xyz)
    largest = sorted_xyz[-1]
    second_largest = sorted_xyz[-2]

    Since you want this to work with conditional statements. You can try:

    # check if x is the largest
    if ( x >= y and x >= z ):
        print(str(x) + " is the greatest")
        # check if y is greater than z, if so then it is the second largest number.
        if ( y >= z ):
            print(str(y) + " is second greatest")
            print(str(z) + " is second greatest")
    # check if y is the largest
    if ( y >= x and y >= z ):
        print(str(y) + " is the greatest")
        # check if x is greater than z, if so then it is the second largest number.
        if ( x >= z ):
            print(str(x) + " is second greatest")
            print(str(z) + " is second greatest")
    # check if z is the largest
    if ( z >= x and z >= y ):
        print(str(z) + " is the greatest")
        # check if x is greater than y, if so then it is the second largest number.
        if ( x >= y ):
            print(str(x) + " is second greatest")
            print(str(y) + " is second greatest")