I type the command :
npx ts-node candy-machine-v2-cli.ts upload -e devnet \
-k DEVw4sdjjwo3he1JgJbycZuWmZuC28YFMEY9uYpnP7cP.json -c cm2test \
-cp /users/macbook/git/cmv2/setup/cmsetup.json \
this gives me :
Attempt to debit an account but found no record of a prior credit
the solana balance gives me :
while if I type :
solana airdrop 1 <RECIPIENT_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS> --url https://api.devnet.solana.com
and this :
solana balance <ACCOUNT_ADDRESS> --url https://api.devnet.solana.com
this gives me :
I'm stuck at this stage of the tutorial: https://youtu.be/wBWmO5zPpug?t=910
This is a shot in the dark, but it looks like you're trying to use the keypair for the address DEVw4sdjjwo3he1JgJbycZuWmZuC28YFMEY9uYpnP7cP
to do the deployment on devnet, but that account has no funds on devnet: https://explorer.solana.com/address/DEVw4sdjjwo3he1JgJbycZuWmZuC28YFMEY9uYpnP7cP?cluster=devnet
I'm not sure exactly how the script works, but to be safe, you can airdrop into both your default account and that account:
solana --url devnet airdrop 1
solana --url devnet airdrop 1 DEVw4sdjjwo3he1JgJbycZuWmZuC28YFMEY9uYpnP7cP