I'm using numpy.linalg.svd() to get the singular value decomposition of matrices. But I can't get back from the decomposition to the original matrix for a non-square matrix.
For example, for a square matrix :
import numpy as np
# make a random (n,n) matrix
A= np.reshape( np.random.random_integers(0, 9, size= n**2), (n, n))
U,S,Vh = np.linalg.svd(A)
# to get A from the SVD back
A_svd = U@np.diag(S)@Vh
#check if its the same
I get : >>> True
Now for a non-square matrix, for example A of shape (m,n), then the shape U is (m,m), the shape V is (n,n) and S is a diagonal matrix of (of length k), with k = min(m,n). For example :
import numpy as np
m= 8
# make a random (m,n) matrix
A= np.reshape( np.random.random_integers(0, 9, size= m*n), (m, n))
U,S,Vh = np.linalg.svd(A)
With the following shapes :
>>> U.shape
(8, 8)
>>> S.shape
>>> Vh.shape
(5, 5)
I dont know how to get the matrix A back if I have the svd decomposition though.
I cant do a simple multiplication because of the shapes difference. U@np.diag(S)@Vh
or np.matmul(U,S,Vh)
or with np.dot
So I tried to reshape S and fill it with zeroes.
S_m = np.diag(S)
S_m.resize((U.shape[1], Vh.shape[0]))
#check if its the same
print(np.allclose(A,U @S_m@ Vh))
>>> False
I found an answer here, using diagsvd from scipy.linalg.
import scipy.linalg as la
A_svd = U@la.diagsvd(S,*A.shape)@Vh