
Call to 'tap' failed. An unknown server-side error occurred. Original error: *** - [__ NSArrayM insertObject: atIndex:]: object cannot be nil"

I am using Appium desktop (App Version: 1.22.0), iOS simulator, and real iPhone to establish a session and interact with the app. The connection is established successfully, and I can interact with the app through Appium, except when a popup appears; in this case, when I try to tap on the popup buttons, this error appears:

"Call to 'tap' failed. An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: *** - [__ NSArrayM insertObject: atIndex:]: object cannot be nil"

enter image description here

This error happens only when I try to perform "tap" through Appium. I can perform tap manually in the Simulator or on the iPhone

I have read several comments over the internet, and some say they fixed that problem by uninstalling and installing Appium or using a different version. Nothing has worked for me, I have tried Appium 1.20.2, 1.21.0, and 1.22.0, and the problem persists. I am still investigating this issue, but I have run out of resources. If it has happened to you or you know how to solve it, please share the information with me.

Thank you very much


  • I solved this problem by installing Appium v1.22.2 via npm and setting Appium-WebDriverAgent on that path. I don't know if it will be the ideal solution, but it worked for me. Thank you!