I'm new to OBIEE. I have version installed on a Linux server. I installed the client tools on my Windows PC. Using the Administration tool I created a simple RPD which uses only two tables. For this I had to first create an ODBC DSN to connect to my DB/2 database.
Next, I uploaded the RPD to the OBIEE server using the datamodel cli tool. When I go to the http://hostname:9502/analytics page and select to create a new analysis, it shows me the name of the repository and the two tables. I selected a couple of columns and clicked on the Results tab.
At this point, I get an error message: ODBC error state: IM002 code: 0 message: [DataDirect][ODBC lib] Data source name not found and no default driver specified
I had used the em console to create a JNDI connection to DB/2. But, from the message it seems that it is trying to use the ODBC connection that was used when creating the RPD on my PC.
How do I change the connection that the server is using?
The server needs to be able to reach the data source. EM JNDI connections have nothing to do with it, but rather the server (server OS - not the application) has to reach the source.
You need to update your ODBC settings on the Linux server: https://support.oracle.com/epmos/faces/DocContentDisplay?id=2570997.1