I got below error message when compile a simple c file with an __asm function. It seems "MSP" is not recognized. I can build after comment out "MRS R0, MSP". What I am missing here? Thanks.
Invoking: Arm C Compiler for Embedded 5.6.6'
armcc.exe --cpu=Cortex-R5 --arm --apcs=interwork -O0 -g --md --depend_format=unix_escaped -c -o "main.o" "main.c"
"main.c", line 26: Error: A1616E: Instruction, offset, immediate or register combination is not supported by the current instruction set
26 00000000 MRS R0, MSP
My main.c
__asm uint32_t A( void )
LDR R0, [R0,#8]
BX lr
int main()
return 0;
I received below answer from ARM forum/community (Thanks to Ronan), and verified it (I am having a system with mixed Cortex-M/R cores). To quote
"You are building for Cortex-R5, which does not support MSP (Main Stack Pointer). MSP is only provided on Cortex-M processors."