I'm doing dining-philosopher problem in C for assignment. And got stuck very begining of my code.
I decided each philosopher to be structure, and forks to be int array.
But I can't use global variable in this assignment.
So, I have to include shared variable in philosopher structure to pass them for arguments of thread routine.
Here is my problem - how to include int array in structure if I can't know proper size of them when initializing?
My plan is just include pointer variable in structure then allocate array's address using &.
But It doesn't work :
#include <stdlib.h>
/* inside structure*/
typedef struct s_share {
int **forks;
} t_share;
/* outside structure */
typedef struct s_philo {
t_share *share;
} t_philo;
int main(void)
t_philo *philo;
int *forks;
int i;
i = 0;
/* malloc structure arrary philo, size = 10 */
philo = (t_philo *)malloc(sizeof(t_philo) * 10);
/* malloc int arrary forks, size = 100 */
forks = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * 100);
while (i < 10)
philo[i].share->forks = &forks; //error
Output : segmentation fault
I tested share->forks size like this :
printf("size of forks : %ld\n", sizeof(philo->share->forks));
Output was 8. It's enough size to store int * pointer. Through this I know It's not the memory allocation problem.
Then what is problem? Can someone check this for me?
Edit : When I try to malloc directly philo->share->forks, I got same error.
typedef struct s_share {
int *forks;
} t_share;
typedef struct s_philo {
t_share *share;
} t_philo;
int main(void)
t_philo *philo;
int *forks;
int i;
i = 0;
philo = (t_philo *)malloc(sizeof(t_philo) * 10);
while (i < 10)
philo[i].share->forks = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * 100); //error
I thought it's because when philo initialized, sizeof operator calculated forks's memroy to be 8 - which required for pointer.
Is there something wrong?
Edit 2 : To clear my question,
It's easy to solve this problem, if I write size of array in structure definition.
typedef struct s_share {
int forks[100];
} t_share;
typedef struct s_philo {
t_share *share;
} t_philo;
but according to my assignmet I have to get philosopher's number from cmd. So I can't do that. Above is simple version of my origin code
Sorry, Edit 2 is wrong :
typedef struct s_share {
int forks[100];
} t_share;
typedef struct s_philo {
t_share *share;
} t_philo;
int main(void)
t_philo *philo;
t_share *share;
int *forks;
int i;
i = 0;
philo = (t_philo *)malloc(sizeof(t_philo) * 10);
while (i < 10)
philo[i].share->forks[i] = 1;
zsh: segmentation fault ./a.out
I still got segfault when I write array size in struct definition.
I used calloc to initialize all member in my struct but same error occurs :
typedef struct s_share {
int **forks;
} t_share;
typedef struct s_philo {
t_share *share;
} t_philo;
int main(void)
t_philo *philo;
t_share *share;
int *forks;
int i;
i = 0;
philo = (t_philo *)calloc(10, sizeof(t_philo));
forks = (int *)calloc(100, sizeof(int));
while (i < 10)
philo[i].share->forks = &forks; //error
Edit 4: I finally found error. It's because I didn't malloc 'share' struct in philo struct
typedef struct s_share {
int **forks;
} t_share;
typedef struct s_philo {
t_share *share;
} t_philo;
int main(void)
t_philo *philo;
int *forks;
int i;
i = 0;
philo = (t_philo *)malloc(sizeof(t_philo) * 10);
forks = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * 100);
while (i < 10)
philo[i].share = (t_share *)malloc(sizeof(t_share)); //here
philo[i].share.forks = &forks;
That one line -allocating struct share- solved problem.
Or, I can modify philo struct definition like this :
typedef struct s_philo {
t_share share; //not pointer, just struct
} t_philo;
In this way, I can automatically malloc struct share.
I got confused in this point. Thanks for helping!
this line
Is dereferencing the pointer 'share' which is not set. You called malloc and did not set any values, so the data inside your allocated buffer is 'garbage' data.