
Delete "orphaned" SSIS catalog

Not sure I am referring to this correctly, but we seem to have an "orphaned" or rogue Integrated Service Catalog, SSISDB, with a database SSISDB on an azure managed instance

We were testing SSIS options a few months ago including creating it in data factory. I know that's when it was created but the Azure-SSIS integration runtime is not in the data factory that is listed in

SELECT [property_name]
FROM [SSISDB].[catalog].[catalog_properties]

The data factory is there but there is no Integration Runtime or any reference to SSISDB in there.

How do we delete the catalog? Do we have to delete the entire data factory to remove this?

Edit: I have already dropped the SSISDB database to see if it helps, it didn't so restored it. the database itself is not the problem.

enter image description here


  • Answering this so if someone else has the same issue I renamed the database, had several errors trying to reconnect, for some reason the server tries connecting to SSISDB. But I finally got in & the catalog was gone. So though probably dropping DB might work in normal circumstances, for some reason on our Azure managed Instance dropping the db did not remove the catalog. Maybe it would have after a while, I don't know, but when I initially dropped it, the catalog didn't go anywhere for hours. and kept getting login errors for explicitly specified database 'SSISDB', I thought it broke something so I restored it. So if dropping the database doesn't fix it, restore it, rename it wait a few minutes for SSIS catalog to drop, then drop the database.