
AWS QuickSight session ends so fast

I am having issue with QuickSight . I am following the documentation how to implement it. I got these policies added:

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
        "Effect": "Allow",
        "Action": [
        "Resource": [


And this one too:

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": {
    "Effect": "Allow",
    "Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
    "Resource": "arn:aws:iam::myUserId:role/QuickSightEmbeddingAnonymousPolicy"


I am generating the embedUrl with nodeJS.

app.get("/", (req, res) => {
const experienceConfiguration = {
    "Dashboard": {
        "InitialDashboardId": "idOfDashboard"
    'AwsAccountId': 'myUserId',
    'Namespace': 'default',
    'AuthorizedResourceArns': ["arn:aws:quicksight:eu-west-1:myUserId:dashboard/idOfDashboard"],
    'ExperienceConfiguration': experienceConfiguration,
    'SessionLifetimeInMinutes': 600

}, function (err, data) {
    console.log('Errors: ');
    console.log('Response: ');

This here generates the EmbedUrl . And when i copy paste it to my browser it will display me the dashboard. But when i apply that long url to my React application it will not display it . I use this code in front-end:

useEffect(() => {
    let dashboard

    function onDashboardLoad(payload) {
        console.log("Do something when the dashboard is fully loaded.", payload);

    function onError(payload) {
        console.log("Do something when the dashboard fails loading", payload);

    function embedDashboard() {
        var containerDiv = document.getElementById("embeddingContainer");
        var options = {
            url: "HERE_THE_EMBED_URL",

            container: containerDiv,
            height: "700px",
            width: "1000px",
        dashboard = QuickSightEmbedding.embedDashboard(options);
        dashboard.on("error", onError);
        dashboard.on("load", onDashboardLoad);

}, [])

It will give me this error: Message: "csrf token missing or not match." I also tried to generate this EmbedUrl from the Front-end (and this was my first initial idea to do) but sadly getting only CORS errors . I tried with this code here:

        const experienceConfiguration = {
                "Dashboard": {
                    "InitialDashboardId": "myDashboardId"

            const generateEmbedUrlForAnonymousUserParams = {
                "AwsAccountId": "myUserId",
                "Namespace": "default",
                "AuthorizedResourceArns": ["arn:aws:quicksight:eu-west-1:myUserId:dashboard/myDashboardId"],
                "ExperienceConfiguration": experienceConfiguration,
                // "SessionLifetimeInMinutes": 600

            const quicksightClient = new QuickSight({
                credentials: {
                    accessKeyId: 'myAccesId',
                    secretAccessKey: 'mySecretKey'
                region: "eu-west-1",

            quicksightClient.generateEmbedUrlForAnonymousUser(generateEmbedUrlForAnonymousUserParams, function (err, data) {
                if (err) {
                    console.log(err, err.stack);
                    // errorCallback(err);
                } else {
                    const result = {
                        "statusCode": 200,
                        "headers": {
                            "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*", 
                            "Access-Control-Allow-Headers": "Content-Type"
                        "body": JSON.stringify(data),
                        "isBase64Encoded": false

I also saw in some tutorials that there might be needed changes in the admin panel of quicksight But i cannot acces this page. Perhaps i need more premissions from administrator?


  • You need to make sure that the domain where you are embedding your QuickSight dashboard is white listed here If you do not have permissions to add domains there then you need a QuickSight admin to add the domain there.