
How to store a list of maps in ObjectBox box?

I'm trying to store a list of Maps in the ObjectBox box, but since I'm new to ObjectBox I don't understand how to store custom data types.

The data I'm trying to store (Structure looks like this)

name: 'name',
total: 100,
refNo: 00,
listOfProds: [{Map1},{Map2},{Map3},...]//<-Problem

I've tried

class ABC{
  int id;
  String name;
  int total;
  int refNo;
  List<Map>? products;

  required this.name,
  required this.total,
  required this.refNo,
  //required this.products, <-This will throw an error since List is not supported

//Adding into DB
void addIntoDB(){
  late ABC _abc;
  _abc = ABC(
   name: 'name',
   total: 100,
   refNo: 00,
   //How can I assign the 'list of maps here' or any other ways?


  • Referring to the Custom Types Documentation, turns out that storing a list in a raw format is not possible. (It's still in feature request)

    So instead try converting that list to JSON format, which would result in a single string.

    String listInJson = json.encode(theList);

    and now put that into box:

    class ABC{
      int id;
      String name;
      int total;
      int refNo;
      String products;
      required this.name,
      required this.total,
      required this.refNo,
      required this.products,
    //Adding into DB
    void addIntoDB(){
      late ABC _abc;
      _abc = ABC(
      name: 'name',
      total: 100,
      refNo: 00,
      products: listInJson,//<- That's how you do it.

    and when retrieving, simply json.decode(products).