
Repository mirroring

I'm starting with maven and is not all clear what to put in mirror <mirrorOf></mirrorOf> tag.
What I understood:
1> * means "everything"
2> ! prepended to a name exclude that name from look-up path
3> central is used whan mirroring maven central

Now what I want to do is to mirror a repository that is not maven central (teamdev's one in my case), hence I have no idea towards what the field should match: com.teamdev, jxbrowser or com.teamdev.jxbrowser

this is what is listed on temadev website as maven repo:





  • Each artifact stored in some maven remote repository, and to have it as dependency we should include this repository definition to the project pom.xml.

    Most artifacts available in Central repository and it's defined per each pom.xml by super-pom.


    On this page temadev website mentioned, that in order to use this dependency:


    you have to add


    to your pom.xml <repositories>...</repositories>.

    Adding a mirror

    And if you want to specify another location (artifacts download url) for com.teamdev repository-id, you may specify it in your pom.xml without mirroring.

    But if your dependency contains some <repository> and downloads transitive dependencies from it, you have to add a mirror to specify another url.

    in your settings.xml file add:

          <name>com.teamdev Mirror Repository</name>

    is not all clear what to put in mirror tag

    <mirrorOf>com.teamdev</mirrorOf> matches the <id>com.teamdev</id> in repository definition.

    And this artifact jxbrowser-cross-platform should be available in your https://your-repository-url mirror with all other dependencies from the original repository.

    And you have to refer your settings.xml file when run maven commands, e.g. if settings.xml present in the project root:

    mvn clean compile -s settings.xml

    or see more about settings reference here.