We are trying to write PGQL query on PG View(version 21.4) to find any (arbitrary) path between a pair of source-destination.
We had being using the following link as our PGQL guideline. https://pgql-lang.org/spec/1.4/#any-path
Query: SELECT s.ID as s_id, d.ID AS d_id FROM MATCH ANY (s) -[e]->+ (d) on my_graph
Error: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Only zero (0) or more path quantifier is supported
What would had cause the error since it was working on PGS. Any solution or workaround would be appreciated.
In version 21.4, only *
is supported on PG Views. From 22.1, other quantifiers are also supported.
Added PGQL support for more quantifiers when executing PGQL queries against property graph views.
Syntax Description
------ -----------
* zero or more
+ one or more
? zero or one
{n} exactly n
{n,} n or more
{n,m} between n and m (inclusive)
{,m} between zero and m (inclusive)