$password = ConvertTo-SecureString “Password+++” -AsPlainText -Force
$Cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ("Admin", $password)
$FileLocale = Split-Path -Parent -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
Write-Output $FileLocale
$AntFile = "$FileLocale\StartApps.ps1"
Write-Output $AntFile
Start-Process PowerShell.exe -ArgumentList "-command &$AntFile -UserCredential $Cred"
Hi, that code works in .ps1, I call the other script, and he makes his job. But when I transform it in .exe with the help of ps2exe, he doesn't do his job anymore. As admin or not. It's not the first time I use that start-process, but it's the first time I use a variable as a target for the command. Do anyone know what go wrong between the ps1 and exe ?
While an executable compiled with ps2exe uses a .ps1
file as input, at runtime no actual .ps1
file is involved, which is why PowerShell's command-reflection variables cannot tell you anything about a running script file.
When running an actual .ps1
file, you'd use the following automatic variables:
contains the the executing script file's full file path.
contains the script file's full directory path (i.e. the full path of the directory in which the script file is located).
In a ps2exe-compiled executable (.exe
), where these variables have no values, you can use the following instead:
contains the executable file's file name or path as invoked (when calling from cmd.exe
) or as a full path (when calling from PowerShell).
(Convert-Path -LiteralPath ([Environment]::GetCommandLineArgs()[0]))
obtains the executable file's full directory path.
Applied to your code - assuming that a separate StartApp.ps1
file is present alongside your .exe
$FileLocale =
if ($PSScriptRoot) { # running as .ps1 file
else { # running as .exe
Split-Path (Convert-Path -LiteralPath ([Environment]::GetCommandLineArgs()[0]))
$AntFile = Join-Path $FileLocale StartApps.ps1
[1] Note that at runtime no information is available about where the original .ps1
file that served as compile-time input was originally located - only that file's content becomes part of the .exe