
How can I mute/unmute all sounds of some files in JavaScript?

I'am creating a game that have some storage sounds host in JavaScripts files, like this:

let gameOver = false;
let gameWin = false;

const gameOverSound = new Audio("sounds/fim.wav");
const gameOverSound = new Audio("sounds/fim.wav");
const gameWinSound = new Audio("sounds/gameWin.wav");

Can I create a button in my index.html to when click, he switch to mute/unmute the sound of this files... Is that possible? How?

My project contain 5 files in JavaScript, i want to mute all of then


  • You can do it this way. The click function will stop the music when it happens

    let gameOver = false;
    let gameWin = false;
    const gameOverSound = new Audio("sounds/fim.wav");
    const gameOverSound = new Audio("sounds/fim.wav");
    const gameWinSound = new Audio("sounds/gameWin.wav");
    let stopButton = document.querySelector("DivClass or DivID");
    stopButton.onclik = ()=>{