
Using Iterative deepening DFS for knapsack similar problem

I'm solving a knapsack similar problem: which is to print out the first combination of objects that has value above a number but weight below a limit.

I have tried:

value = [10, 8, 7, 6, 4]
weight = [8, 4, 3, 3, 1]
name = ['A','B','C','D','E']
Wlimit = 8
Vlimit = 8

def ID(maxDepth):
    for i in range(1, maxDepth):
        knapsack = []
        if (DFS(knapsack, 0, 0, i)):
            return True
            print("cannot find solution")
            return False

def DFS(knapsack, currentValue, currentWeight, maxDepth):
    # If reached the maximum depth, stop recursing.
    if maxDepth <= 0 : return False
    if currentValue >= Vlimit and currentWeight <= Wlimit: 
        return True
    for i in range(len(name)):
        if name[i] not in knapsack:
            if ((currentWeight + weight[i]) < Wlimit):
                DFS(knapsack, currentValue + value[i], currentWeight + weight[i], maxDepth - 1)

                knapsack = knapsack[:-1]
                DFS(knapsack, currentValue, currentWeight, maxDepth - 1)
                DFS(knapsack, currentValue, currentWeight, maxDepth - 1)

    return False

I know the tree looks like this

But I don't know how to fix the code with the correct logic Hope someone can give me a hand on it.

Thank you!!


  • I tried this and it works for some samples:

    weight = [1,1,3,4,5]
    value = [2,1,5,3,5]
    name = ['A','B','C','D','E']
    knapsack = []
    limit_weight = 8
    limit_value = 8
    n = 5 # number of items
    def ID(maxDepth):
        for i in range(maxDepth):
            found, val, arr = DFS(i)
            if found:
                return arr
        return False
    def DFS(maxDepth, idx = 0, sum_val = 0, sum_weight = 0, arr = []):
        if maxDepth < 0 : return False, None, None
        if sum_weight > limit_weight : return False, None, None # elements weights exceed knapsack limit
        if sum_val > limit_value : return True, sum_val, arr # elements values greater than required
        if idx >= n : return False, None, None # no more elements and no solution (otherwise we would have returned from the previous line)
        for i in range(idx,n):
            n_arr = arr.copy()
            found, new_sum_val, new_sum_weight = DFS(maxDepth-1, i+1, sum_val + value[i], sum_weight + weight[i], n_arr)
            if found : return found, new_sum_val, new_sum_weight
        return False, None, None # didn't find a solution
    res = ID(4)

    The code returns False if no solution is found, and a list of element names if a solution is found. please let me know if you find anything unclear.