I have an URQL GraphQL query which retrieves a single tuple based on the primary key field (id). I am having trouble with the syntax required to specify the query. I am using a'useQuery' hook generated by graphql-codegen.
query GetOneOrgUnit($id: uuid!) {
OrgUnit_by_pk(id: $id) {
My Vue 3 code is:
<script setup lang="ts2>
import { useGetOneOrgUnitQuery } from '@/generated/graphql'
const props = defineProps({
id: {
type: String,
required: true
const variables = {
id: props.id
const result = useGetOneOrgUnitQuery(variables)
Typescript complains about the 'variables' parameter being passed in the last statement. The message received is:
const variables: {
id: string;
Type '{ id: string; }' has no properties in common with type 'Omit<UseQueryArgs<never, Exact<{ id: string; }>>, "query">'.ts(2559)
What do I need to do here?
Thanks in advance.
Hmm - Simple I just needed to enclose 'variables' object in {}
const result = useGetOneOrgUnitQuery(variables)
const result = useGetOneOrgUnitQuery({variables})